Category Archives: Finance

Deconstructing Health on World Health Day

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As per the definition of WHO, “HEALTH” is a complete state of physical, mental and social well being and not just merely the absence of any disease or infirmity.

Ironically in this fast-paced era of globalization and automation of even the most minuscule tasks of our everyday lives, humans are “mentally evolving and physically devolving” at an exponential rate, which is alarming.


You might wonder what this has got to do with health…?

Read again! it is clear from the definition that holistic health is not just restricted to an individual but is all encompassing. This very fact brings me back nostalgic memories of my school days when in was a part of the N.S.S (National Service Scheme) and the motto was “NOT ME BUT YOU”

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Money Mitr by FundsIndia, An Ideal Way to Start on Mutual Fund Investments


We, at Chennaifocus have never blogged on Finance though it has been a part and parcel of our life.  The interest to get into better finance management came with a real-time experience when the money I had invested in a normal FD after maturity failed to match the money value it had when the money was invested.  Thanks to a friend, it marked my entry into stock markets and mutual funds. It was not an easy ride and more often it was a trial and error method and thankfully, I became wiser in investing my money and getting it to work for me.

Not many of us tread this path for the simple fear of losing money in the process.  Unfortunately, in this industry, failures are talked about more than the success instilling insecurity in the minds of people who are yet to test it out.  To be honest, you are losing money when investing in the so called safe methods of investing such as the FDs, Post office schemes and Government bonds simply because the interest it pays you does not beat the inflation and so you end up with the amount much lesser than the value you invested.  To understand the way wealth must be built, we must invest in the capital markets.

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