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Enjoyable Tamil Podcast for Kids and Adults

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We are the radio listening generation and with all confidence will say that it was much more enjoyable, non-intrusive and delivered much more than the visual mediums we have today. Interestingly, we came across Deepika Arun, the Founder and Voice Artist of Kadhai Osai – Tamil Stories Podcast and Chittu Kuruvi, a Tamil Podcast exclusively for Tamil speaking children across the globe. A Bioengineer by qualification, it was Deepika’s innate natural resonance with children and experience as an after school activity center owner and school teacher  that sowed the seeds for an exclusive Tamil Podcast for children “Chittu Kuruvi”.

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Parenting Talk: Chu Chu TV for Children Makes Learning Fun

NewPicture873Children these days have lot of options to spend their time but the onus to make the time worthwhile and also educative lies in the hands of the parents and teachers. We can see preschoolers watching television serials with their parents and playing mobile games not suitable for their age. Precious time of their life is spent in unwanted knowledge capable of spoiling children’s character building. We grew up with toys, simple ones which allowed us to create our own world and dream our fantasy without any negative influence. Those were the initial seeds of creativity. Learning was limited to action oriented rhymes focusing on improving our memory, rhythm and physical activity. It was fun way of learning and had an impact on our minds which we fondly recall even today. Focus was on physical exercises and emotional growth was the aim and we never grew tired doing any of these unlike the kids today who complain of boredom, strain and tiredness even in preschool. To drive home the point, let us do a small exercise, can you recollect Jack and Jill, Ding Dong Bell and Twinkle twinkle little star?  It will be surprising to know that despite the age we are in, each one of us can recite it without any difficulties. So the solution lies in hitting back those days albeit a minor difference due to the way we grew up and the lifestyle of kids today.

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Know about Soft Soled Shoes, the New Rage in Footwear and its Impact on Children

Soft Soled shoes specifically Clogs have become a rage even though they come with an expensive price tag.  Be it outdoors, indoors, travel, and adventure trips, we see children wearing clogs. It has become a point of superiority among school children to have Crocs clog shoes. Crocs have had its list of issues in US which people in India are unaware of.  To add to the confusion, many products resembling Crocs are hitting the market from China and our own country to cash in on the popularity of the brand. We know the problem behind Crocs but unsure of what the others have in them though the one written here is for all these products with the spoken design.  Read on to know more about  Clogs / soft soled shoes.


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Interior Décor for Kids – Planning and Buying Decor, Linen and Accessories

Interior décor is a big challenge when it comes to kids. It is a different take when compared to the aspects of different spaces in home such as living and kitchen. In one of the discussion sessions with a interior decorator while planning our space, my daughter who was listening to everything suddenly interrupted and said nothing you discussed for my room interests me. On a deeper thought, we understood that she has the right to plan her room the way she wants. Let me tell you, it is easily said than done. We have to think as a kid to understand her interest and see everything through her eyes.

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Kids will Love this – The Grand Bazaar @ Vanilla Place

Vanilla place at  Greenways Road in R.A. Puram, Chennai is conducting the Grand Bazaar on December 14. The bazaar has few interesting activities for the children and products. Activities include building sky scrapers with citiblocks and jungle story time. Check out the details for location, registration and time.

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Hippocampus – Workshop on Origami and Books for Visually Impaired

Hippocampus is back with a interesting workshop on Origami. Visually impaired can now find books in Hippocampus. For details Read on..

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It is all about Money -Summer Workshops on Money Education by Hippocampus and Money-Wizards

It is vacation time and summer workshops announcements have started trickling in. Hippocampus and Money-wizards have come out with a summer workshop to make your money worth the while, teaching kids about earning and managing money/ For details click the image to enlarge.